Workshops with Dr. Peggy Regis Robinson
Workshops with Dr. Peggy Regis Robinson are carefully crafted to be informative, restorative and uplifting. As we continue to social distance, all workshops are available in both in person and online formats. Each workshop can also be tailored for your specific community and time constraints. Below are some workshop formats and themes that are ready to serve you and your organization.
Press Pause for Wellness
A half day retreat for groups of 20 or more
Dr. Robinson will give a 40 min. presentation on your wellness theme of choice, followed by a 15 min question and answer portion. Guided breathing and mindfulness, gua sha facial massage and acupressure exercises, and our wellness journal exercise will follow. The workshop will conclude with a group discussion of what a wellness mantra for your organization could be, and then either a group recitation or a group artistic creation of that mantra. Participants will be offered a special rate for a telehealth appointment with Dr. Robinson should they wish to consult her individually following the workshop. This workshop is designed to build community and to incorporate wellness into your organizational culture and identity.
The Mini Wellness Retreat
A 2-hour retreat for 15 people or less (can be offered for 20 or more with modifications)
Dr. Robinson will give a 20 min presentation on your wellness theme of choice, followed by a 15 min question and answer portion. Then as the group works on gua sha facial massage and our wellness journal exercise, Dr. Robinson will take mini consult sessions with those who wish to speak with her personally. This retreat will end with a group breathing and mindfulness mediation and a refreshing series of gentle stretches. A great way to end a work week!
The Long Lunch Refresh Session
A one hour more informal offering for any number of people
Dr. Robinson will give a 30 min. presentation on your wellness subject of choice. This will be followed by a 15-minute question and answer portion, a 10 min. guided breathing and mindfulness exercise and will finish with an acupressure and gentle stretching session to get you back to work feeling refreshed and cared for. This is a great way to make Wednesday just a little bit easier.
More Wellness Workshop Themes
Working from Home
How to keep your balance both inwardly and outwardly while working from home. This is for both habitual and new home office workers, and for the home office work force who are also juggling parenting and home-schooling duties. Let’s breathe together and create space for your wellbeing.
Wellness and Social Justice
A conscious wellness practice is a gift to yourself, your family and your community. How can we create greater access to wellness resources in our workplaces, neighborhoods and in our world? Now more than ever we need a wellness revolution!
Gua Sha
An explanation of what Gua Sha is, the tools needed, and a tutorial in how can it work as a daily practice for beauty and stress relief. It’s easier than you think!
An Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Herbal Remedies
Have you always wondered how Traditional Chinese Medicine can work for you? Here is an introduction to not only the many applications of acupuncture, but also to how the personally tailored preparations of a gifted Chinese Herbalist can help you rebuild your wellness and vitality from the inside out
Permission to Thrive
Sometimes in the midst of stress and worry we lose hope that we can thrive. There is always hope! Our bodies can be our best allies, we may just have to send them an invitation, or maybe a thank you note.
Living with Chronic Pain
Living with pain can make our world feel very small. It is remarkable how much even a small amount of relief can restore our hope and boost our resilience. Chinese Medicine has some real solutions to offer. Here is a way to get started.
Immunity and Stress
How can we care for our immune function while under stress? Here are some every day tips for staying well under pressure.
More Specialized Workshop Themes
Self-Care and Toxic Stereotypes
How to get past stereotypes around race, class, gender or occupation that may have convinced you that receiving wellness care is not “for” you. Your health matters to all who love you and depend on you. Your fitness, resilience, vitality and mood can only improve with good rehabilitative practices. Every human being deserves to feel well, and to access holistic and personalized care. Let’s dispel those myths together!
Feminine Wellness and Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine has become a formidable ally in reproductive wellness, perimenopausal and menopausal management, menstrual health and justice, and general wellness and internal balance maintenance. There is so much to share, and much more to do in this evolving field.
Children and Stress
We are at a moment when many of us are having to have complex interactions and stressful shared experiences with our children. How can we fortify them and protect them as well as be a good model for them in these moments? As a mother of three Dr. Robinson has some insights from her own process to share.